Ignite a Brighter World 2024

August 28, 2024

Dear LMU Community,

Welcome back! As we begin this new academic year, in this moment of hope, renewal, and much anticipation for what lies ahead, our commitment to each other remains paramount. In the spirit of belonging, we welcome the newest members of our LMU family: faculty, staff, senior leaders, and–the heart of our university–new classes of students.
Our first-year, transfer, graduate, and law students bring their unique stories and talents to LMU:
  • We enrolled over 1600 first-years (with an average weighted GPA of 4.0), 450 new transfers (representing 190 colleges and universities from around the globe), and more than 800 new graduate students;
  • Our first-years hail from 39 states and 58 nations (overall, our students represent 48 states, D.C., and 93 nations);
  • International students comprise 8 percent of first-years and 11 percent of our transfer and graduate populations.
  • Our J.D. entering class is likewise outstanding: Last week, we welcomed 342 J.D. students (including hybrid and transfers), 38 candidates for the Master of Laws (LL.M.) degree, 13 students for the Tax LL.M., and eight scholars in the Master of Science in Legal Studies (M.L.S.) program. LMU Loyola Law School students come from 18 countries, 55 majors, and more than 100 undergraduate institutions.
I thank the leaders in ASLMU and GSLMU, Faculty and Staff Senates, and senior administrators for paving their way. New Lions: I invite you to bask in the Lion pride and check out what we mean when we say we are igniting a brighter world.

Speaking of pride, thanks to the hard work, collaboration, and extra hours of so many in our LMU community, I share a few summer highlights:
  • We continue to extol our excellence, and the response has been one of generosity and enthusiasm, as evidenced by the nearly $73 million we raised in the 2024 fiscal year—our second consecutive year exceeding all preceding records. Among these contributions is a $25 million matching gift from the Thomas and Dorothy Leavey Foundation in support of the new Engineering Innovation Complex (EIC), a key expansion in advancing the university’s STEM education. Our philanthropic community also gave almost $28 million for scholarships and financial aid and another $19 million toward student, faculty, and academic programs.
  • We partnered with Beacon Economics to produce LMU’s 2024 Economic, Fiscal, and Social Impact Analysis, which demonstrates that LMU’s impact on the community extends far beyond the Bluff. Annually, we generate more than $1.4 billion in economic activity for the U.S. economy and support more than 10K jobs, contributing substantially to tax revenues and social benefits. The report reinforces our vitality to the surrounding regions, the state, and our nation.
  • We were energized by the Los Angeles Rams’ presence for their 2024 training camp. This endeavor welcomed thousands of visitors daily, provided LMU student interns with an immersive opportunity for professional development and educational enrichment, and showcased LMU to a national audience, helping us tell our LMU story with authenticity, positivity, and purpose.
  • We welcomed record numbers of high school students to the Westchester campus for our pre-college programs, introducing prospective Lions to college academics and life in LA.
  • Our continued outreach efforts again earned a place on Phi Theta Kappa’s Transfer Honor Roll for the ninth year in a row in recognition of our accessible pathways for transfer students.
And coming soon…
  • Beyond the Bluff–headed to a city near you again this academic year!–engages our alumni and friends in an evening of Lion pride while sharing updates from LMU. Ultimately, we seek to raise our visibility and the value of an LMU education while rendering our distinctive Catholic, Jesuit, and Marymount education more widely attainable.
  • Underscoring our commitment to maintaining the highest standards of academic excellence, LMU is part of a select group of institutions undergoing the Thematic Pathway for Reaffirmation (TPR) as part of our WASC Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC) reaffirmation process. This initiative enables us to engage in targeted improvements that align with our mission and advance inclusivity and student success. I hope you can attend the pertinent open meeting on Wednesday, Sept. 18 to share more about your role in LMU’s ongoing progress. Details are forthcoming.
  • LMU is a community of scholars, activists, creators, educators–leaders. With every school year comes possibilities yet unexplored and soon to be made reality. Please meet the fall’s new horizons with boldness, and trust that our mission will carry us through moments of uncertainty. With the 2024 presidential election season underway, our faculty’s expertise on issues pivotal to the moment helps ensure that voters are informed and engaged. Meanwhile, Student Affairs continues to help make voting a seamless experience for all LMU Lions, and our law students are preparing to serve on Election Day as poll workers and volunteers in other critical election-related functions.
As I discussed in my convocation last November, during challenging times, we must affirm core values that not only anchor our institution but also help fortify the foundations of our democracy. Nearly ten months later, the nation has become even more shaken by passions–many justice-driven, some fear-based, and still others that seek to stoke hatred. Responsive to the challenges that the current moment holds, over summer, we assembled diverse workgroups of campus stakeholders with a single goal: Align our policies with LMU’s commitments to inclusivity, free expression, and safety. Student Affairs SVP Kawanna Leggett and Dean of Students and VP for Student Affairs Terri Mangione shared the refreshed student policies earlier this week (learn more about our updated Time, Place, and Manner Policy and Campus Posting Policy).

LMU’s commitment to critical thinking and ethical dialogue and our emphasis on whole-person education assure that a plurality of views remain protected, so long as they maintain the safety and dignity of each person. In this, the wisdom of Ignatian tradition is essential, with discernment guiding our professional and academic pursuits, our problems and solutions, and our conversations with one another. I trust each of you will rise to the occasion while prioritizing the care for each other and the world around us that distinguishes our students.

The semester is upon us, and you know what to do: Ignite a Brighter World.

Go Lions!

Timothy Law Snyder, Ph.D.